
Will Physiotherapy Help Arthritis?

There are many benefits that physiotherapy can provide to individuals who have arthritis, and can be extremely helpful in relieving their discomfort and pain.

What is Arthritis?

The term arthritis refers to joint pain, joint disease or inflammation surrounding joints. Arthritis is reportedly more common in females, and some types of arthritis are more common in older adults than younger individuals. There are various forms that arthritis can take, and everyone’s experience can differ. By far, the most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis, which is considered a degenerative disease of the joint. Cartilage within a joint begins to break down and cause changes to the underlying bone. These changes can lead to pain or dysfunction in the affected area. Understanding arthritis can help you manage it and seek out appropriate care.

How Physiotherapy Can Help Arthritis

If you are suffering from arthritis and need help managing it, physiotherapy may be an excellent option for you. Although there is no cure for arthritis, it is essential to stay active by incorporating some form of movement and exercise into your daily routine; this will often help alleviate symptoms like joint stiffness and pain associated with arthritis.

Daily Movement

Your physiotherapist can help educate you and model exercises and activity options that do not put additional pressure on joints. This can help you maintain a daily activity routine despite potential pain. Some examples of low-impact cardiovascular exercises that may be recommended to you to help with arthritis pain are walking, bicycling, and swimming.

A daily exercise regime can also assist with weight management, which may relieve some of the pressure on the joints. Regular physical activity relieves stiffness and replenishes lubrication to the cartilage of the affected joints. Generally, exercising induces better sleep, helps to reduce fatigue during the day, and can help to boost energy levels. Your physiotherapist will be able to help you determine which exercise options are best for you.

Strengthening Exercises

Working with a physiotherapist can help you to determine which treatment plan is most suitable for your condition, symptoms, and lifestyle. In many cases, a physiotherapist will have you do exercises at home that strengthen the muscles around the affected joint. Strengthening these muscles is one of the best strategies you can employ to stabilize your joints and stimulate them to heal.

It is very important to strengthen the muscles around the affected joint; this is because keeping the muscles and surrounding tissues strong is essential to supporting your joints. By not exercising these muscles, the supporting muscles and tissues may be less efficient and functional which can place additional stress on your joints.


Post Movement Rest and Recovery

It is very important to ensure that the muscles are able to heal after they have been strengthened. You can benefit from the assistance of a physiotherapist if you need guidance on how to rest and recover efficiently. Even before you begin your exercises, applying heat to joints and muscles can help them relax. When necessary, applying ice to the joints and muscles after exercise can help reduce pain and swelling. It is important to remember to move gently and not to push yourself too far, as steady progress is better than an unforeseen injury brought on by doing too much, too soon.

Laser Therapy

Physiotherapy can offer a wide variety of treatments for arthritis, including laser therapy. Using red and infrared light, laser therapy can improve soft tissue healing, alleviating acute injuries such as strains and sprains, as well as chronic conditions like arthritis.

There are many benefits associated with laser therapy when it comes to treating arthritis. As a result of laser therapy provided by your physiotherapist, blood circulation may be improved, inflammation may be reduced, and water, oxygen, and nutrients can be brought to the damaged areas. Laser therapy helps to reduce swelling, stiffness, and pain; potential symptoms of your arthritis.

Final Words

Physiotherapy has the potential to be beneficial in the management of acute, chronic, or degenerative conditions such as arthritis. There is no one-size-fits-all solution or cure, but your physiotherapist can help you manage the symptoms and control your pain. Daily movement is arguably one of the most important ways to help with your arthritis symptoms. Low-impact activities such as walking, biking or swimming can do wonders for stiff joints; your physiotherapist can help to find a daily activity routine that is most appropriate for you and your specific concerns.

Physiotherapy can also help by providing strengthening exercises to help strengthen and stabilize the muscles and tissue around affected joints. For arthritis sufferers, it is essential to rest and recover appropriately from their daily movements; there are many methods you can use at home to ensure your joints and muscles are properly taken care of. Additionally, physiotherapy can provide you with in-clinic treatments such as laser therapy, a treatment that can help calm down inflammation and improve circulation to affected joints. A physiotherapist can help you understand your condition and help you access appropriate care in order to manage it effectively.