Physiotherapist, B.Sc
Concussion Treatment in Calgary
Concussions can cause a wide range of symptoms, and are often caused by sports, car accidents, and falls. At Encompass Sports Therapy, our chiropractors and physiotherapists are trained in detecting and treating concussions.
Concussion Treatment
Concussions have become the focus for professional, amateur, and recreational athletes around the world and Encompass Sports Therapy strives to be at the forefront of concussion diagnosis, concussion management, and rehabilitation. We utilize a comprehensive, multi-modal approach to concussion that is based on current concussion research.
Using evidence based exertional testing, combined with nutritional recommendation, visual/vestibular rehabilitation, manual therapy, and symptom management and activity progression, both acute and chronic concussions can be successfully treated at Encompass Sports Therapy.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is an injury caused by a direct blow to the head, neck or body resulting in an impulsive force being transmitted to the brain that can occur in sport, recreational, or daily activities (Patricios et al. 2023). The injury initiates a neurometabolic cascade affecting the brain, resulting in symptoms occurring immediately or evolving over time. The secondary effects of the injury, including cervical spine injury, can result in experiencing persisting symptoms.
Concussion results in a range of clinical signs and symptom that commonly resolve within days but may be prolonged.
Treatment for Concussions
Assessment by a trained and knowledgeable health care professional is recommended sooner, rather than later, following concussion. Following a comprehensive in-office assessment, provided there are no red flags, initiating treatment for concussion early is recommended. Initial treatment may include relative rest, sub-symptom threshold exercise, education, diet recommendations, symptom management, and return to learn/sport/work plan.
Our concussion program leader, Dr. Taylor Pratile, recently published an article in the journal The Physician and Sportsmedicine, focusing on the importance of early assessment following concussion. To read a summary of the study and to learn more about Dr. Pratile, click the link below.
Can Prolonged Concussion Symptom be Treated?
The evidence is quite clear, whether someone sustained a concussion outside of sports or sustained a concussion many months prior, a thorough assessment and treatment plan can aid in recovery. At Encompass Sports Therapy our knowledgeable concussion providers will tailor a treatment plan to the individual’s presentation, which may include:
- Sub-symptom threshold exercise testing
- Nutritional recommendations
- Manual therapy to address whiplash-related injuries following concussion
- Visual and/or vestibular rehabilitation
- Sleep hygiene
- Mood related symptoms with our mental health professional

Conditions Where Concussion
Management Can Be Beneficial
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Accident Claims


Evidence Informed Therapies
Our Concussion Management Team
FAQs on Concussion Management
A concussion is also known as a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. A concussion is one of the most common injuries in all contact sports and motor vehicle accidents. A person who has experienced a concussion may experience a number of symptoms that range from headaches and nausea to dizziness, balance problems, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, and sleep difficulties. While many people make a full recovery after suffering a concussion injury, symptoms can last for months or even years.
Anyone who has suffered a head injury in a sport or in an accident should benefit from seeking treatment for a concussion. A concussion can result in headaches, dizziness, nausea, impaired judgment and coordination, emotional instability, and memory loss. The physical symptoms of concussions may appear immediately or develop over time. It is important to seek medical advice after a concussion and to treat concussions properly since they can have effects that last long after the incident occurred.
Signs of a concussion injury may include dizziness, fatigue, loss of consciousness, nausea, headache, difficulty concentrating, poor balance or coordination, problems with speech, reduced function, and problems with sleeping. These symptoms may take up to seven days or longer to appear. If you or someone you know suffers these symptoms after a head injury, seek medical advice immediately.
At Encompass, concussion treatment is charged the same as regular physiotherapy appointments for the initial visits and follow-up appointments.
Yes. Concussion management is covered by all the major personal health insurance plans as it falls under the title of physiotherapy services.
The usual duration of an appointment for concussion treatment is 60 minutes for an inital appoinment and 30 minutes for the follow-up appointment. For the initial appointment, our physiotherapist will perform a thorough assessment of the client with the concussion injury, will discuss the findings with the client, develop a treatment plan in accordance with the client’s goals, utilize treatment techniques, and create an individual exercise program for the client to do at their own at home.